Personnel Reshuffle in School of Arts

05 Mar,2010 views

A meeting about personnel reshuffle in School of Arts was held in Yifu Meeting Center on March 2nd, 2010. University leaders Ji Baocheng, Yuan Wei, Gao Debu, Vice-Chairman of China Artists Association Wu Changjiang and all faculty and staff members from School of Arts were present at the meeting.

Changes of personnel in School of Arts were as follows:
Professor Wu Changjiang was appointed as Dean of School of Arts (honorary);
Professor Xu Qingping was appointed as Dean of Xu Beihong Arts Research Academy;
Professor Zheng Xiaohua was appointed as Party Secretary and Deputy Dean of School of Arts;
Professor Xu Weixin was appointed as Senior Deputy Dean of School of Arts;
Professor Zhao Fang and Associate Professor Wang Yinjian were appointed as Deputy Dean of School of Arts;
University leaders Ji Baocheng, Gao Debu and leaders of School Wu Changjiang, Xu Qingping, Xu Weixin delivered their speeches respectively at the meeting.
President Ji Baocheng awardes the Appointment Letter to Professor Wu Changjiang
President Ji Baocheng awardes the Appointment Letter to Professor Xu Qingping
President Ji Baocheng delivers speech
Dean (honorary) Wu Changjiang delivers speech
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