• Position : Lecturer

Wang Ying,a cellistwho once livedin the UK,holds adoctoratefrom the Central Conservatory of Music. She nowworksat the School of ArtsofRenmin University of ChinaasaLecturer in CelloandistheHeadof the Teaching and ResearchOfficeof String Music.Besides, she is:Director of the Chamber Music Society of the Chinese Musicians Association; one of the main creators of “‘Xi’ Rhythm”,the project supported by China National Arts Fund;winner of the Outstanding Performance Award at the 5th National Cello Competition;and second place winner at the 2nd String Quartet Competitionof theCentral Conservatory of Music. Worked at the National Center for the Performing Arts of China.

As a cellist,Wanghaslongbeen active on the musicalstagesbothat home and abroad, giving herperformancesat Carnegie Hall in New York,National Center for the Performing ArtsConcert Hall, Beijing Concert Hall, Qingdao Grand Theatre,andTianjin Concert Hall,among others.

Having visitedthe United States, Germany, Finland, Ireland, Belgium,andmanyothercountries,Wang iscommittedtoincorporatingChinese elements into traditionalcombinationsofWestern musicalinstrumentsandperformingworks bygreatcontemporary Chinese composers,amongwhichthe“‘Xi’ Rhythm”Piano TrioissupportedbyCNAF.

As an educator, Wang has produced many outstanding students who have been admitted to prestigious universities in the United States and Europe for further studies. It is also noted that herpapershave beenpublishedin core journals such as“MusicalCreation”,“Explorations in Music”,and“Journal of Xi’an Conservatory of Music”.

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