• Position : Lecturer


Chuanbo Wang is Assistant Professor of the department of Art History and Art Management at Renmin University of China and serve as the vice director of the department since 2023. He was offered the Visiting fellowship of Harvard Yen-ching Institute in Academic year 2017-2018, and the post-doctoral fellowship at the Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University in 2018-2019.


He earned a Ph.D in Archeology by the dissertation “Landmark of Sacred Realm: Study on Iconographical Programmes of 13th-14th Century Gateway stupas in Tibet and China Proper” from Zhejiang University in 2019.

Research Interests

His research interests center around Tibetan art History, Sino-Tibetan art history, Cultural History of cross-Himalayan relations, Buddhist Material Culture, Esoteric Buddhist art. His current research explores the early cultural interactions of the Tibetan communities in South Asia, Central Asia, and China proper through the rich art heritages. The art in the Tibetan cultural areas, where are politically now part of Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and so on, is the one of the very neglected filed with great value of research in China.

Selected Publications


Collection of Tibetan Fine Art: Volume of Ladakh, Sichuan Minzu Publishing House, 2023.

B. Bhattacharyya: The Indian Buddhist Iconography: Mainly Based on THE SĀDHANAMĀLĀ and Cognate Tantric Text of Ritual, Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, 2023. (Forthcoming).


2023a. “Mandalization of Mundane World: Notes on the Perception of Sacred Land in Tibet based on Akṣobhya Tradition in Early Tibetan Gateway Stupas, 13-15th centuries”, The Study of Art History, 2023, Volume 29.

2023b. “On the Tibetan Origins and its Sinicized Reconstruction of Juyongguan Guojie Pagoda Image System”, Studies in World Religions, 2023(05): 21-31.

2022a. “The diffusion and development of Sino-Tibetan Art in 17th century Ladakh: Based on the murals of Shel monastery”, China Tibetology, 2022(06): 23-34.

2022b. “The Transmission of Indian Tantric Buddhist Iconography in Sino-Tibetan Area”, Art Observation, 2022(09): 84-88.

2022c. “On the Construction History, Iconographical Program and Spatial Connotation of bka’ rgya byang Chapel, Zhwalu Monastery”, Palace Museum Journal, 2022(07):82-91.

2021a. “Research on the Avalokitesvara painting Panel in Bka’ gyur Temple of Zhwalu Monastery”, China Tibetology, 2021(04):138-146.

2021b. “Trending and Turning: A Review on Ladakh Buddhist Art, 8th-14th centuries”, Journal of Tibet University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021(02):119-127.

2021c. “Reshaping godhead and Re-construction of the pantheon: Study on the Aksobhya mandala in Nyoma Khawaling Stupa, Ladakh”, Journal of the Advance school of Art and Humanities, Volume 4, The Commercial Press, 2021:419-428.

2020. “Exploration on the Meaning of the Tibetan term of Tibetan Gateway stupa”, Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2020(04):141-149.

2019a. “A Nested-Structure Stupa: The Spatial Meaning and Iconographical Program of Gateway-Designed Stupa in Alchi Monastery”, Palace Museum Journal, 2019(7);

2019b. “Study on the Iconographical Program of the Gateway stupa of Mangue, Ladakh”, Journal of Tibet University, 2019(3);

2017. “A Research on the Implication of the ‘Sakyamuni Preaching’ Mural Painting in the bKa’ ’gyur Hall of Zha-lu Monatery”, China Tibetoloy, 2017(1);

2016. “Study on 9-Deities Akṣobhya Maṇḍala in Kanjur Chapel of Zhwa lu Monastery”, Journal of Tibetology, Volume.14

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